Wow, hard to believe it's been over a week since I last posted. I've been busy crocheting, trying to get things done for Christmas. I finished another afghan, this one for my other sister. It really didn't take long, but I procrastinated about sewing all the pieces together. It's done holding 2 strands together throughout and it turned out very soft and cushy. I really hope she likes it.
I also finished a hook case and started an afghan for one of my daughters and a baby blanket for a good friend of mine. Now if I could just keep my son from stealing my hooks out of my projects I'd probably be working on the baby blanket rather than sitting here. I can't work on the afghan for my daughter because they're home from school now. I figure I can work on it while they're at school and in bed, hopefully I can get hers done and do one for her sister before they get out for Christmas break. That means I have until 12:30pm on the 19th as they have early release from school that day. Wish me lots of luck and flying fingers as I'm going to have to work hard to get them finished in time!
I envy you being able to crochet. My mom tried to teach me once but I turned out to be completely useless at it so I stuck to knitting.