We all have them. Those moments that everyone else finds exceedingly funny, but we just wish we could roll time back and undo them. I know, this may not seem so embarrassing to most, but in MY family...ugh.
This weekend we went to my inlaws for the day. While there, my MIL pulled out a stack of photos for us to go through. (In my defense; I'll just say that I was tired and I really wasn't paying attention, but I do remember wondering who the cute little girl next to my neice was.) So anyway, my husband hands me a picture and says "they look like they could be brother and sister". It's the same photo, I look again and ask how they could be brother and sister when it's 2 girls. OMG, it was a picture of my son from 5 months ago before he got his first haircut!!! (My dh will never let me live this one down!)
This first picture is from the same day as the one mentioned.
The second is from a couple days ago. There's a big difference!! lol